Anti-flaming | Stain Resistant | Mildew Proof
Foam Laminating | Perforating | Embossing | Printing | Quilted | Embroidery

Stain Resistant

To save users’ trouble and time of frequent cleaning.

All about solving a problem that people meet with when using the finished product in day-to-day life: compared to the normal version of the product, the easy-to-clean antifouling products can save users much time, attention, and cost from regular cleaning.

Such feature is valuable to the use occasions such as public area seats, public transportation seats, children products, and hospital products.

There are two different ways to achieve antifouling.

Way 1 – is to add an antifouling feature to the product.

Way 2 – uses our silicone leather category. “antifouling” is one of its top valuable performance. The nature of silicone materials has determined such a feature.

What do we do?

Support clients to make qualified antifouling products for the market.

How it will help?

Create perceived value for the finished products.

How to move forward

We might discuss details when starting a specific project. Get in touch