What Exactly Is Pinapple Leather? – Since 2015 – See 📈Infographic
What exactly is pineapple leather? Pinapple leather is a type of leather-like fabric manufactured from pinapple leaves + polylactic acid, and resin. In 2015, pineapple leather was seen in London.
- 100% Vegan
- Pineapple Fibers
- Since 2015

In this post, you’ll find more details. Let’s get started!:))
——- What is Pinapple Leather? ——-
Pineapple leather is a synthetic or semi-synthetic leather created from pineapple waste. eThe new fabric created from cellulose fibers collected from pineapple leaves provides an eco replacment to real leather.
1. Features
Is pineapple leather a good choice? It is good at some aspects such as resilient, light, breathable and etc.. It can accomplish most of the things that ordinary leather can do, but because it is very new type, its durability has yet to be proved.
2. Usage / Applications
What is the purpose of pinapple leather? Several fashion designers throughout the world use it to make ethical and cruelty-free clothing, such as coats, jackets, blazers, shirts, jeans, etc.
It might also be used to construct attractive and durable furniture, chairs, couches, curtains, and other items.
Nowadays, several fashion businesses employ low-cost and vegan leather substitutesPineapple leather is already utilized by fashion brands greatly such as H&M, Hugo Boss, and Paul Smith.
3. History
Pineapples were widely farmed in the Philippines beginning in the 17th century, and Pina was woven into beautiful lace-like textiles frequently embellished with elaborate flower embroidery.
The lightweight and airy qualities of pia cloth made it appropriate for the hot tropical environment of the islands.
It has slowly begun to regain popularity in the last 20 years, as manufacturers seek natural fibers and eco-conscious designers strive to move away from high-impact materials.
——- How Is Pinapple Leather Made? ——-
1. Pineapple Leaves
It is made by felting long strands from pineapple leaves together to form a non-woven substrate. The fibers are derived from pineapple leaves from the Philippines. The fibers are taken from the leaves via a process known as decortication, which is carried out on the plantation by the farming community.
2. Fiber Processing
The extracted fibers are cleaned and dried. When the fibers have dried, they are de-gummed (pectin gets released from the fibre). Pectin is the chemical that gives the leaves their stiffness. Once the pectin is removed, the pineapple fiber becomes soft and pliable, comparable to cotton-like material.
3. Leather Base
Following that, the fibers are transformed into a non-woven mesh by stinging thousands of needles into the strands in an industrial, mechanical process to create a felt-like texture. This procedure generates the pinapple leather’s foundation.
4. Location
Where is pinapple leather made? Southern Chinese City, Philippines and Europe.
——- How Is Pinapple Leather ? ——-
1. Cheap?
Is pinapple leather inexpensive? Not as expensive as genuine leather. Also, as a new product to the vegan leather business, it is more expensive than conventional vegan leather.
2. Good? Sustainable?
Biodegradable under regulated manufacturing circumstances. It might be biologically decomposed in a few days to many months
Instead of burning or rotting lengthy leaves, farmers may earn extra money by sorting and selling them as pineapple leather.
——- Make A Better World ——-
1. Leather Concerns
Animals are killed in the leather business, including seals, sheep, deer, alligators, snakes, zebras, sharks, and even cats and dogs. Several creatures that should be protected are threatened by the leather trade, including various reptiles, kangaroos, ostriches, beavers, wild cats, bears, and antelopes.
It is also harmful to the environment, ecosystems, and human health. Toxic chemicals are used in the production of animal-derived textiles, which damage rivers, water sources, and soils since they are frequently discharged untreated into the surrounding environment.
2. Let’s Go Vegan
Our vegan leather collections and pinapple leather can work together to make the planet a better place.
[About Us]
EcoLeathery is a manufacturer of vegan/Eco leather based in Hangzhou, China. We have extensive experience punch perforating and precision micro-perforating leather fabrics.
[Author] Billy Lee
Billy is the Product Manager at Ecoleathery. He loves coming up with new ideas on products development. 15+ years experience in the textile and synthetic leather fabric indutries.